Collect Clip Track

The Collect Clip track is a very unique track. You can not set keys in it nor can you add any clips to it. However, it allows you to collect keys and clips, merge them together and then generate a whole new perform clip.

Collect Clip for Actor

  1. Please make sure that some of the tracks (Idle, Move, Transform, Perform, Operate, Motion Layer, Hands) for the actor contain keys or motion clips. If these tracks are empty the motion you generate will be only turn into a default idle motion.

  2. Press the Collect Clip button to show the track, click and drag to include a range in which the desired motion clips or keys exist.

  1. Right-click within the range of the Collect Clip track and select Add to Library. Name the clip.

  2. Browse to a location where you want to save the motion to and click Save button.

All the clips and keys in the tracks listed above will be merged and compacted into a motion file. You may then import it back by right-clicking on the Perform track and selecting the Import command. 

Collect Clip for iProp

  1. Please make sure that some of the tracks (Idle, Move, Transform, Perform, Operate) for the iProp contain keys or motion clips. If these tracks are empty the motion you collect will be completely empty.

  2. Press the Collect Clip button to show the track, click and drag to include a range in which the desired animation clips or keys exist.

  1. Right-click within the range of the Collect Clip track and select Add to Library. Name the clip and click OK.

  2. The animation clip will be embedded to the prop and added to the Perform list.

All the clips and keys in the tracks listed above will be merged and compacted into an animation file. You may then import it back by right-clicking on the Perform track and selecting the Import command. 

Collect Clip for Prop

This is a very practical feature for you to create your own animated props, or so-called, Helper. You may attach other static objects to the helper and then generate the animation for the objects along with the helper. For more information about the helper, please read Creating Animation Helper and Prop Animation with Helper sections.

  1. Apply any desired 3D block to the current project. Make sure the position is at the origin, (0, 0, 0).

  2. Open the Collect Clip and Transform tracks of the block.

  3. Add keys at different frames on the Transform track to generate key-frame animation for the block.

  4. Drag in the Collect Clip track to make a range for generating new animation clip.

  5. Right-click within the range of the Collect Clip track and select Add to Library. Name the clip and click OK.

All the keys in the transform tracks will be merged and compacted into this prop. You may then right-click on the Perform track and apply the animation in the Animation List