Basics of AML Commands

Each command provides you different functions to the character and/or the prop. Let's first build up the knowledge base about each major commands.  What does each of the major commands do?

Idle Commands

  • Defines the motion when the character is in stand by status.
  • When applied with several idle motions, AML determines the occurrence probabilities for each idle motion.

Move Commands


  • Defines movement types for the actor or the props, includes the behavior to move on/off terrain, and how to use WSAD hot keys to control the direction of movement.
  • Defines how to move forward, backward, left, right turn, shift up down, left, right, accelerate, decelerate, break, and stop. Includes the corresponding animation clips.
  • When the actor or the iProp is selected, use WASD or specified hot keys to control the movement.

Perform Commands

  • Defines how to trigger a specific actor's motion, or activate an iProp animation e.g. hot key controlled animation, on/off particle effect, show or hide props.
  • Users can use Perform commands to trigger a customized animation clip for the actor or the prop, e.g. dancer with different dance moves, turn on or off the propeller of an air plane.
  • Actor can be human or non-human actors such as a horse, dragon, robot, etc.
  • How to control? When the actor or the iProp is selected, use WASD or specified hot keys to control the moves.

Operate Commands


  • Defines the interactive relation between the actors and the iProps, e.g. how actor approaches to a car (iProp) and interact with the car
  • Defines the link/unlink relation between the actors and the props, and the corresponding animation clip for the actor and the prop
  • How to control? When the actor is in focus, right-click on iProps and select "Operate" in the menu or ctrl-click on the iProp to apply default operate command, e.g. ctrl-click on car to get into car
  • 4 major Operation Types
    • Move character to selected prop's action radius
    • Link prop to character, or link the character to the prop
    • Interact with the prop with synced animations of both prop and character
    • A character can become a rider and be transported by the iProp after linking to that iProp.

ClipSeq Commands

  • Additional enhancements to Move, Operate and Perform Commands by further defining the animation, particle, link, unlink, align, visible and desist clips of the playback sequences. This also allows the user to determine the delay and loop times for each clip.

Clips Section

  • Various clips have different responses to the animation of the selected command
  • Locates the directories of the motion clip files
  • Sets the priorities (e.g. the character's upper body is stretching and lower body is walking)


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