Create New Commands:
Combine various commands and clips to form an
incredible AML Script.
- Select idle command and click add.
- Now that the newly added idle command is
under the command list.
- In the clipseq section, click "Add Clip"
to add an animation clip
for the selected idle command. Adjust the attribute settings for the
selected animation clip.
- Select the other
command, Move Command, to add to the command list.
- Select Type of "ForwardLRTurn" with
the Direction of "Forward".
- Now that we only have one move command. Add
one more Move command.
- Add one more move command with
the Type of "BackwardLRTurn" with the Direction of "Backward".
- Don't forget that Move command still can add
an animation clip to its command. Keep the Move_Forward or
Move_Backward command selected. Click "Add Clip" and add an
animation clip to the character. You may find the walking motion in
"C:\Program Files\Reallusion\iClone 3\Template\iClone
- This AML Script now contains one Idle Command
and two Move Commands.