Create New Commands: Command Mixture

Combine various commands and clips to form an incredible AML Script.

  1. Select idle command and click add.


  1. Now that the newly added idle command is under the command list.


  1. In the clipseq section, click "Add Clip" to add an animation clip for the selected idle command. Adjust the attribute settings for the selected animation clip.


  1. Select the other command, Move Command, to add to the command list.


  1. Select Type of "ForwardLRTurn" with the Direction of "Forward".


  1. Now that we only have one move command. Add one more Move command.


  1. Add one more move command with the Type of "BackwardLRTurn" with the Direction of "Backward".


  1. Don't forget that Move command still can add an animation clip to its command. Keep the Move_Forward or Move_Backward command selected. Click "Add Clip" and add an animation clip to the character. You may find the walking motion in "C:\Program Files\Reallusion\iClone 3\Template\iClone Template\Motion\iMotion_Trey\Move\Walk".
  2. This AML Script now contains one Idle Command and two Move Commands.