Command Section
Since we are having four major types of commands. You may notice that only Idle Command has Animation Clip. All the other commands (Move, Operate, Perform) have AnimationClip, ParticleClip, LinkClip, UnLinkClip, AlignClip, VisibleClip and DesistClip.


Clip Type Description
AnimationClip Apply animation date to the character or the prop. E.g. dance, fighting, walking, etc...
ParticleClip This clip controls the particle emitter. E.g. duration for a particle emitter to emit.
LinkClip Link clip allows you to link the object to the parent. E.g. pick up a box, drinking a beer, holding the remote control, etc...
UnLinkClip Unlink clip allows you to unlink the object to the parent. E.g. drop down a box, throwing Frisbee,
AlignClip Align clip allows you to drop down an object to align with Terrain. E.g. drop a gun onto the table
VisibleClip Visible clip controls the show/hide of an object or character. E.g. ghost,
DesistClip Desist clip clears off the status of the last motion's persist status. When this is been activated the next clip will not remain at the last clips motion. E.g. the character is walking after the character is riding the scooter. You need to assign desist clip to the selected channel for the character to walk normally.