Align Clip

When an align clip is selected, the clip type and the selected align clip name will be shown on the top left of the "Attribute" section.


When you have selected one of the align clips, the available attributes for the selected align clip shows below. Adjust each of the settings to set the parameter of selected align clip.

  • Target Type: This sets the type for who will be able to trigger the parent type (iProp).
Character The target character will be affected by this animation clip.
Object The target object with embedded animation clip. This prop will then be defined as interactive prop, iProp.
Rider The character who is riding on the motorcycle or driving the car will be affected with this motion.
Owner The character who has linked to an iProp.
  • Target Node: This "$" defines the object itself. If there is a child attached to the parent, it will be defined as $ sign followed by ".child". So it will look like this "$.child".
  • TransitionTime: The blending time of the two align clips.
  • AlignSnap: This defines will the parameter align to the height of the terrain.
  • AlignFollow: This defines will the parameter align to the height and the angle of the terrain.