Adding Spring Effects to Non-Human Characters (New for 5.4 and for Pro only)

By adding spring effects to specific parts of a non-human character, the resulting animation will appear more natural. This pipeline is suitable for any bone-skinned model from 3D tools or merged models constructed in iClone.

Please note that you are allowed to turn off the spring effect of a bone string for key-frame editing.

Adding Spring Effects

  1. Load a model (the model in the following example is a prop from the Wild Animals content pack by Reallusion) with a bone-skinned structure in iProp, VNS (prop), or FBX formats.
  2. Scroll to the Spring section and click the Edit Spring button.
  3. The Modify panel will switch to Spring Editing mode.
  4. Select the bones to which you want to apply spring effects, then click the Active Spring button and adjust the spring parameters.

    In this example, the ear and tail bones of the model are given spring effects.

    Please refer to the following sections for more information.
  5. Click the Convert to Non-Human button in the Character section. Please refer to the Converting Bone-Skinned Models to Non-Human Characters section for more information.
  6. Export (Ctrl + E) the entire model as a non-human character.
  7. Load into iClone. Animate the character to view the spring effects

    The non-human character without spring effects.

    The non-human character with spring effects.