Loading FBX Non-Humans and Animations to Unreal

After you have separately exported geometry and animation FBX files, you need to adjust specific settings when you want to import them into Unreal, especially when you have prepared multiple animations for loading.

Loading the Geometry FBX File

  1. Import the geometry file by clicking the Import button.
  2. In the Option section of the Import panel, adjust the settings as shown in the illustration below:
  3. Click OK button to import the geometry. The model, materials, animations (currently empty) and textures will be loaded as well.

Loading the Animation FBX Files

  1. Double click on the model in the content library to launch the AnimSet Editor.
  2. Select the animation set that belongs to this model in the drop-down list in the Anim tab.

    If you cannot find the set, then execute the File >> New AnimSet... command to create one.
  3. Execute the File >> Import FBX Animation command. Multi-select the animation files exported from 3DXchange and click Ok button to load them.
  4. Select either one of the animation in the list and click the play button to view the result.

Solution for Motionless Issue

Sometimes, after the animations are loaded and you click the play button, the model remains motionless or the accessories on the character does are not correctly attached and move around. If you encounter this issue, follow the steps below to resolve the problem.

  1. In the Properties pane, switch to the AnimSet tab and deactivate the Anim Rotation Only box.
  2. You will see a warning message highlighted in red in the preview window.

    The message means that although the model is able to animate after this box is deactivated, you cannot build it into the game.
  3. Execute the Animation Compression >> Animation Compression Settings command to launch panel.
  4. If your model is a bone-skinned model, then select the Automatic algorithm. If not, then select the Bitwise Compress Only one.
  5. Click the Apply To Set to compress every animation in the animation set. Click the Apply To Sequence to individually compress the animations in the AnimSet.

After these modifications, the model is ready to be loaded into the scene.


  • If the length or the width of any one of the textures does not equal to 2 to the power of n (unit: pixel), then loading the model with the texture into Unreal will cause the faces that are mapped with the texture turn white. You must manually resize the texture before you export the model from 3DXchange.
  • If you find any texture transparency or miss-mapping issues, then you need to double click on the corresponding material to launch the material editor for further material adjustments manually.