Creating Non-Human Motions in iClone

Although you are unable to embed motions to a character in iClone, the motions can be collected into isolated motion files by using the Collect Clip feature. The motion files can then be loaded into 3DXchange along with the character to generate an FBX file that can be re-used in other 3D tools.

Creating Motions

  1. Load a non-human character in iClone.
  2. Right-click on the non-human character and select Motion Menu/Edit Motion.
  3. Select the Rotate , or the Move , tools in the Control Bar.
  4. Click on the non-human character to pick a bone. Alternatively, you may pick a bone by clicking on the node in the tree view in the Edit Motion Layer panel.

    Click on the actor to pick the bone.

    Click bone in the panel.

  5. Rotate or move the selected bone to set a motion layer key.
  6. Repeat the last step on other time frames to generate a key-frame motion.

Creating Non-human Motions by Collect Clip Feature

After the key-frame animation is done, you can start to export the motion as a separate motion file.

  1. Select the character. Open the Timeline (Shortcut: F3).
  2. Open the Collect Clip and the Motion Layer tracks of the character.
  3. Drag on the Collect Clip track to make a range to decide the motion you want to export into a motion file.
  4. Right click within the range and select Add Motion to Library.

    Please note that if you have already applied the character to 3DXchange, then you can select the Add to 3DXchange option to directly apply the motion clip to 3DXchange without continuing to the step below.
  5. Type in the name of the motion, select a destination folder to store the motion file and then click OK.
  6. Right click on the character and then select the Remove All Animations command from the right-click menu.
  7. Click the Add button to add the character into the Custom Library. The character and its own motion file can then be separately loaded into 3DXchange.