Converting Standard or Non-Standard Characters

Standard characters are actually characters built with an iClone bone structure; while a Non-standard character also has an iClone bone structure without facial bones.

You are able to export standard or non-standard characters in FBX format so that you can do key-frame animations in another 3D tools such as Maya and 3Ds Max.

Although Unity and Unreal also support FBX files, they are not included in this pipeline because loading a static standard or non-standard model to these two game engines only increases the size of the scene.

Step 1: Loading a Bone-Skinned Model

A bone-skinned model contains a bone structure and one or more meshes, while the meshes are bound to the bones so that when the bones move or rotate, the meshes are driven to act along with the bones.

The sources of the bone-skinned models can be:

Step 2: Exporting the Model in FBX format

  1. Execute the File > Export to Other 3D Format > Export FBX... command.
  2. In the Export FBX panel, use the Target Tool Preset drop-down list to auto-set the settings for Maya or 3DS Max. Please refer to The Settings for Exporting an FBX File section for more information about the details of the settings.
  3. Click the OK button to export the model in FBX format.

Step 3: Loading and Setting the Key-frame Animations in Maya or 3DS Max

  1. Import the FBX file into Maya or 3DS Max with the settings below:
  2. Adjust the bones to change the position of the model at different time frames and set keys to the bone structure.
  3. Play back to view the time-frame animation.


  • Although Unity and Unreal also support the FBX format, importing a static standard or non-standard character to them can only increase the size of the projects because these two 3D tools do not provide key-frame animation feature and a bone structure is merely a waste.
  • If you want to import standard or non-standard characters in FBX format to Unity or Unreal, then you need to export them along with their animations or motions rather than the characters only. Please refer to the section below for more information: