Converting Bone-Skinned Models to Avatars

3DXchange helps you convert almost all bone-skinned model, with or without embedded animations, into avatar for use with the IK and FK features in iClone. The exported avatar is called Non-human Character since the bone structure and the mesh nodes totally differ from the Standard Characters in iClone.

The supported file formats for this pipeline are:


Supported File Format




Generating Non-human Character from iClone iProp or FBX File

The models from iClone are embedded with AML animation clips. Though these clips cannot be loaded into 3DXchange, they can be extracted and converted into motion clip files after the iProp is converted into an Non-human Character.

  1. Drag and drop any bone-skinned model into 3DXchange. You may encounter the Sampling dialog box if you load an FBX file. Please refer to Loading and Sampling for more information.

    Bone-skinned iProp from iClone

    Bone-skinned FBX model with animations

  2. Generating motion clips if the FBX file is embedded with animations. (Skip this step if the loaded model is bone-skinned content from iClone)

  3. Click the Convert to Character button in the Character section.

  4. A command dialog box for setting bones pops up. Click the OK button and the iProp will now become a character.

    (Please refer to Setting Bones for Converting to Non-Human Character section for more information about the dialog box)

  5. Optionally, You may modify the mesh of the new-generated character. Please refer to Modifying Mesh for more information.

  6. Export (Ctrl + E) the model as an avatar (.iAvatar).

  7. Load the character into iClone. Right click on the new-generated avatar and all the animation clips you added will be listed in the Perform entry of the right-click menu.

    Perform list in iClone
