Creating Exchangeable Animated Wheels

3DXchange allows you to deconstruct models and work with individual elements of the models to create more effects and animation than individual model files normally allow. Experiment with these methods on other types of models to create unique props, scenes, and accessories for iClone. In this section, we indicate you the method to create an exchangeable parts with animation clips.

  1. Exclude the car wheels by un-checking the wheel node boxes in the Scene Tree.

(In 3DXchange)

  1. Export the Car body to iClone as a Prop VNS.

  2. Select one car wheel and reposition using the Align to Center pivot command 0,0,0. Exclude the rest of the car.

(In 3DXchange)

  1. Export the single car wheel as a prop.

  2. Open iClone and Add the JeepWheel to the scene.

(In iClone 2)

  1. Create the wheel spinning motion using the Adjust tools in the Modify panel and keep the wheel spinning by making key frames on the Timeline controlling the speed and duration of the wheel spin.

(In iClone)

  1. Add a Ball Prop from the Prop 3D Blocks to the scene.

(In iClone 2)

  1. Move and place the ball completely inside the wheel to hide it.

Move and hide the ball (In iClone 2)

The ball is hidden (In iClone 2)

  1. Merge the wheel and the ball. The merged prop is now containing a motion clip of spinning.

  1. Add the merged prop, spinning wheel, to the custom library.

  1. Add the body of the car to the scene. Apply the spinning wheel in the custom library.

(In iClone 2)

  1. Now add 3 other wheels to the scene and position them accordingly

(In iClone 2)

  1. In the timeline, set the duration of rotation clip for each wheel.

  2. Merge the entire props visible as one merged prop and add it to your custom prop library.

  3. The new merged prop can be move to anywhere in the scene with spinning wheels.

(In iClone 2)
