Retrieving Material Settings

For models with multiple textures or material settings, it is tedious to search for the target material through the Material drop-down list. Though You can use the up/down arrow keys to browse through all materials if you wish. Applying multiple texture to the target mesh can make a simple model look ultra-realistic.

(As the illustration above shows, SketchUp names all materials that only have a color assignment as Color Material, so their names look the same in the Select Material drop-down list. It is easier to identify textured materials by their jpeg file names.)

Parameters Stored in a Material Template

In addition to retrieving the images of the seven channels, the parameters of the channels are also retrieved. Please refer to the Save and Load Materials section for more information:

Retrieving and Modifying Materials with Material Picker.

  1. Select the model with the texture you wish to modify.

  2. Press the Picker tool beside the Material drop-down list.

  3. Click on the face with the desired material in the 3D viewer.

  4. The material of the face is retrieved. You may then modify the settings to change the texture.

The glass of the car is mapped with reflection and opacity images.

  1. Repeat the steps until all materials of the model are adjusted.