Styling Background with Bokeh

After applying the DOF Effect to a photo, the background can be given various out-of-focus patterns. In addition to the patterns, you are able to style the unfocused areas to create a glittering effect with a designated shape. This technique is called Bokeh (pronounced as [bo] in bold and [k] in casino, stress on Bo) effect.

Using Bokeh Effect to Background
  1. Load a photo and switch to the Effect tab.
  2. Click the DOF Effect button in the Modify panel.
  3. Separate the photo into foreground and background areas.
  4. Make sure that you switch to the Background tab in the DOF section.
  5. Activate the De-Focus check box.
  6. Select one of the shapes from the Bokeh Shape list (by default, the first one, basic, is selected).

    The background, especially the highlighted area, will be styled with the Bokeh shape.
  7. Drag the Aperture slider to determine the strength of the Bokeh shape.

    Aperture: 10 (less Bokeh effect)

    Aperture: 40 (strong Bokeh effect)

Bokeh and Depth Pattern

After using the Bokeh, you can also set the gradient pattern to generate a Gradient Bokeh effect.

  1. Applying Bokeh effect to the photos. By default, the entire photo will be given the effect.

    Original photos

    Bokeh effect applied with default pattern - Flat

  2. Select a Depth Pattern.

    Different patterns can be suitable for different photos according to the effect you wish to go for. Please note that the more blurry the areas are, the stronger the Gradient Bokeh effect is applied.


