The Master Control - Beauty Center

After you have applied a custom template from one of the libraries, or if you want to manually adjust the strength of each basic layers of the makeup, you can use individual sliders in the Modify panel.

Accessing Layers with Sample Face
Beauty Center - Master Controls
Quick Access to Template Libraries

In addition to beautifying the face, the Beauty Center can also help you quickly access different libraries of makeup templates in the Content Manager.

The Embed and Bonus Contents

The embedded and bonus content items are shown below
(please visit the Bonus Pack site for downloading the bonus pack):


Master Library

The Master library contains the templates for the entire face. You can access this folder only through the graphic pane in the Modify panel.


Skin-Foundation-related Library

The Skin Foundation library can be accessed by clicking the buttons as described in the following illustration:


Facial-Makeup-related Library

You may click on each part to access the Facial Makeup, Highlight & Contour, Blushes, Lips and Teeth libraries. The marked items can be obtained by downloading and installing from the Bonus Pack site.


Eye-Makeup-related Library

You may click on each part to access the Eye Makeup, Eyebrows, Eyelashes, Eye Lines, Eye Shadows and Iris libraries. The marked items can be obtained by downloading and installing from the Bonus Pack site.

The Power Pack Contents

If you see any folder with a briefcase thumbnail in any library, you can click it to purchase more templates from the Makeup PRO site.
The libraries contain the folder shown in the illustration below:

To purchase the Makeup PRO content, you need to:

  1. Double-click on the folder with the briefcase thumbnail.
  2. You will be directed to the Makeup PRO official site.
  3. Execute the downloaded installation and the library will be expanded with more templates in new folders.

    Master Templates x 33

    Blushes Templates x 11

    Eye Makeup Templates x 23

    Eyebrows Templates x 26

    Eyelashes Templates x 10

    Eye Lines Templates x 33

    Eye Shadows Templates x 58