Prop Conversion

Build Your Props & Scenes with External Modeling Tools

Extend iClone with 3D modeling and content editing using Google™ Sketchup and other 3D modeling tools. You can build custom 3D models using line, arc, rectangle, push/pull tools or easily customize downloaded models from the Google 3D warehouse with any external modeling tools via 3DS, OBJ, and SKP formats.

Free Access to 3D Assets in Google 3D Warehouse

The most classic and exciting feature of 3DXchange allows you to get free access to millions of 3D models for prop and scene creation. Press the Google 3D Warehouse button to search and import native Google SKP models directly from the 3D Warehouse. Search Google™ Earth for model locations and download them for real-time animation in iClone.

Create Animation-ready Props

Select & Group Objects

Separate objects, edit model hierarchy, build parent-child model relation, rename objects, exclude unwanted parts, turn on/off a selected tree, or output selected objects for further animation control.

Gizmo for Pivot Setting

Select any object in a model and set a custom pivot point that controls the object rotation behavior. One simple click sets the pivot point to the object's center. Now you can enjoy precision pivot adjustments & rotation previews with 3DXchange5.

Reset Transform & Alignment

Once you have a model tweaked with your edits including model resizing, rotation and location change; Zero Transformation can reset the transform values to let your new model shape become 0,0,0 or a base value. This makes newly created content much easier to control from a simple numerical base value.

iProp Motion Preview & Collect Clips

Create animation segments using timeline in-and-out marks, and convert them into iMotion data. Created motion clips will also appear in the right-click perform menu for iClone interactive playback. In 3DXchange5, you will be able to re-arrange your perform lists and live preview for easy animation.