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  1. The program shows the message "Association to Live! Cam Avatar was refused, program will close." when you open Live! Cam Avatar for Skype.         


1. The program shows the message "Association to Live! Cam Avatar was refused, program will close." when you open Live! Cam Avatar for Skype.

This means you have selected "Do not allow this program to use Skype" when you open Live! Cam Avatar for Skype. Thus Live! Cam Avatar for Skype and Skype are not linked with Skype and the program will close.

To reset it, please follow the steps below:

1. In the Menu Bar of Skype, Click Tools > Options

2. In the popup dialog, click ¡§Privacy¡¨ on the left

3. Click ¡§Manage other program's access to Skype¡¨

4. Choose ¡§CT4IM.exe¡¨. Click ¡§Change".

5. In the popup dialog, choose ¡§Allow this program to use Skype¡¨, then click OK.

       6. Click Save.
