Publishing and Sharing (New for 7.3)

You may share CrazyTalk projects with friends on social networking sites, or employ the source code provided and embed it into web page codes to serve as an eye-catching, interactable guide. You may also upload your projects to the CrazyTalk Cloud space for sharing to other Apple devices such as iPhones, iPods touch, iPads, or iPad minis. You may then interact with the actor, after downloading and installing the free CrazyTalk mobile application found in the App Store.

The workflow for uploading to web pages or iOS devices is as shown in the illustration below.

When uploading projects to the CrazyTalk Cloud space, you may choose to login with the Member account in order to store projects in your dedicated cloud space. Or you may login as a Trial user to experience the whole publishing and sharing process, but the uploaded projects will only be available in storage for a limited time. Please go to the official page for more information, then decide whether you wish to upload the project to the Trial Hosting or the Member Hosting cloud space.

Get started on the publishing and sharing process with the following sections.