Introducing the Timeline
Click the Timeline
button on the play bar to open the Timeline Editor.
The Timeline Editor is where you edit animation layers and clips for an actor.
A. Audio Editing Tools
Voice Morph
Click to invoke the Voice Morph panel to apply artificial voice effects to the original voice.
Background Music
Click to invoke the Background Music Setting panel to add background music to the project.
Lips Sync
Click to invoke the Lips Sync panel to apply lip synchronization and adjust the lip movements.
B. Clip Editing Tools
Click to show the clip editing drop-down list.
- The Loop button works to copy paste the clip data in the Motion Clip track only.
- Click and drag the clip's right edge rightward to repeat the clip.
- The Speed button works to speed up the clip data in the Motion Clip track only.
- Click and drag the clip's right edge rightward/leftward to decelerate/accelerate the speed.
C. View & Playback Control
Zoom in/out
(+, -)
Actual Size
Fit to Window
- Click the Zoom in button (+ or Shift + "=") to increase the time (cell) unit size.
- Click the Zoom out button (-) to decrease the time (cell) unit size.
- Click the Actual Size button to show the time unit represented as 30 frames per second.
- Click the Fit to Window button to view all the timeline items within the timeline window space.
Play and Stop
- Click the Play | Pause button (spacebar) to play the project, click again (spacebar) to pause.
- Click the Stop button (,) to stop playing.
Current Frame
This field shows the current frame number on the timeline.
You may also type-in the frame number to jump to the target frame.
This allows you to go to your precise target location;
this is especially convenient for animation with clear timing control.
D. Tracks
Shows the imported audio data.
You may double-click anywhere on the track to load an audio file.
Click the button
to show the Lips track.
Shows the lip-synching keys.
You may double-click elsewhere on the track to set the lip keys.
Motion Clip
Shows the applied motion clips.
You may also click the Face Puppet button to record a motion clip.
Auto Motion
Shows the applied auto motion or idle motion.
Auto motions can be operated into two modes:
Talk Mode and Listen Mode.
Shows the background music data.
You may double-click anywhere on the track to load music clips.
E. Time Scrub
Time Unit Bar
- Drag the bar to move the displayable range to a desired time frame.
- Drag the right edge to change the size of the displayable range.
Play Head
Drag to move to the desired time frame.