
CrazyTalk offers the convenient feature of exporting your project into multimedia formats that are compatible with a wide range of devices. For instance, you can now convert your work to an AVI file in DVD, HD, iPad and iPhone quality. You may also convert it into sequenced image (BMP/JPG/TGA/PNG) files to broadcast on a web server.

Exporting Video - Windows OS
Exporting QuickTime Video - Mac OS
Exporting Video for Further Compositing
Exporting Image
  1. Click the Export button.
  2. In the Export Setting panel, switch to the Image tab.
  3. Choose the desired format from the Format drop-down list.
  4. Determine if you want to export the entire project or just one image:

    Exporting Entire Project into Sequence Images:

    Exporting Single Image:

  5. Determine the frame size from the Frame Size drop-down list.
  6. You may also manually adjust the Output Size by entering target width and height.
    Activate the Lock Ratio to keep fixed ratio for the exported video.
  7. Click the Export button to export the project into sequence images or as one image.