CrazyTalk Pro allows you to further manipulate multiple audio clips inside the Timeline.
Beginning with loading audio clips to progressively customizing auto motions, editing motion clips with special keys,
and dealing with transitions between audio clips to refine voice scripts.
Take a look at the animated project below
and prepare a well-fitted model to start a new project with the following lessons.
Script Outline
Click to see the sample project first.
The project starts with a nervous contestant named Colin,
who is asked to go up to the stage
(Lesson 6-1 and
Lesson 6-2) in a talent show.
While Colin sings nervously and seems not very comfortable during his first try
(Lesson 6-3),
he then gets encouraged by the host and unfolds his singing talent
(Lesson 6-4)
with the support of the audience in the end
(Lesson 6-5).
You may
download the sample project
for reference.
Moving the Actor around
This lesson guides you on how to move the actor around by setting transform keys.
Listening to the Beat
This lesson inspires you to animate the actor with the beat of the music inside a custom scenario,
by using the audio driven techniques and layering facial expressions and body movements.
Singing to the Rhythm
This lesson helps you lip-sync the actor to the lyrics of the song
with custom facial or body movements by applying an auto motion template,
adding facial expressions and reactions to the tunes.
Changing Animations in One Voice Clip
This lesson shows you how to break a single voice clip into several editable segments
to make rich expression changes in a singing performance.
Dealing with Transitions between Voice Clips
This lesson teaches you how to deal with transitions between voice clips by
adding background music, applying idle motions, or using motion clips.