Script Editing Tips

Some features are for CrazyTalk 5 PRO Edition only. For more information, please see Version Information.

After you import a WAV file for the speech or use the TTS engine to create the speech, you can choose an Emotive for the complete message. Double-click an Emotives icon and it will add complete facial expression morphs based on the theme of the emotive to your message. Some emotives have comic effects included with them for additional effect. Switch to Timeline mode to see the result of the Emotives. Use the expression strength slider to adjust the intensity of the Emotive.


Double-click anywhere on the Face track or right-click on the Face track to add facial expressions. Double-click anywhere on the SFX track or right-click on the SFX track add special effects.


The Undo and Redo buttons on the right side of the Emotives and Timeline tabs as well as on the left of the Model viewing pane. CrazyTalk5 keeps a history of the last ninety nine (99) actions. Use the Undo and Redo options to cancel or redo your actions and avoid mistakes.


After you adjust facial expressions, special effects, or movements of the head, eyes or shoulders, you can use the Timeline editing tools to repeat the result anywhere you want in the timeline.

To copy an effect, select the icons for the effect from the timeline and click Copy or press Ctrl + C. Then move the cursor to a different location on the timeline and click Paste or press Ctrl + V to duplicate the effect .


  1. Click and drag while holding down the mouse button to select the effect icons on the track.

  2. Alternatively, click the start position and then press the Shift key and click the end position to select a part of the timeline.

  3. Drag the selected icons of the effect to the new position.

Using the template facial expressions, select a facial expression template that is closest to the template you want to create and then click Modify. Use the Facial Features and Muscles tabs to adjust the facial and muscular movements to create a new expression. Press the Add button to add the new expression to the custom expression gallery.



Only models using the CrazyTalk virtual eye library will be able to see the animated eyes. You can add animated eyes to any model, but this may require that you edit the facial fitting to fine-tune the eye outline. Use the Eye, Head, and Shoulders tracks to adjust eye movements for greater effect.