Character Creator 1
Released in 1.51
Issue 571
Appearance Editor, slider jam
After upgrading 1.5 it's almost impossible to adjust materials using sliders. This is mainly when there are clothes, shoes used by CC-avatar.
It occurs mainly in upper clothes - henley longshirts, camisoles, t-shirts (essential bundle? / clothes?) - if there are clothes like these on the avatar, sliders won't work propetly with other materials eather - too much delay / jamming. Sliders of avatar jams if materials of character will be removed.
Is there any way to uninstall 1.5 and work with 1.43 instead - at the moment it's quite hard to use?
OS: Windows 10
  • Preference_Performance.JPG
  •  9
  •  4293
Submitted byTapani
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Feedback Tracker Admin
Thank you very much for your attention.

This issue has been fixed and will be released in the next coming version.

I'm confirming the issue. It is almost impossible to work with appearance editor (regardless what project I load). Materials and morph sliders are fine. Just an Appearance Editor while loaded is dragging, even if I go to lowest resolution. 1.43 used to fly even at 2048x2048 (I got ample amount of memory and a good graphics card). And I did not make any changes in preferences since the upgrade. 

Hope it would be resolve soon.
Thank you
Here's how to test forexample : 
1. Open Character Creator
2. Load a project "Essential_01"
3. Choose "Appearance" tab
4. Click Mini Skirt -> Active Appearance Editor
5. Base Fabrics (black)
6. Adjust using slider "Lightness" - or what ever slider you want

Cursor is rolling and moving slowly to the direction you adjusted. It may take 1-2 minutes to move to a place you wanted.
Feedback Tracker Admin
Thank you very much for your attention.

We're trying to reproduce this issue in our test environment and it might take a little longer than you think, please stay tuned for more updates.

Many thanks
I am having the same  problem also.  Any adjustment of the sliders in Appearance Editor take forever to take effect, even at the lowest resolutions.
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