What's included in the G2 Power Tools V1?

G2 Power Tools Vol1 includes G2 Body Composer Kit 1, G2 Head Composer Kit 1, Scene & Props – Metro City Life, 100 Commercial Objects and Symbols.

When will I be able to download my copy of G2 Power Tools Vol1 or G2 Body Composer Kit if I preorder with CrazyTalk Animator2 Bundle?
You will be able to download your copy on December 23rd 2013, when we officially notify you via Email.

How will I be able to download my copy?
A download link will be included with your order Email, please download and install it directly. You can also login to your member account for a complete list of download link to all your products.

Help! The download link you provided in the email is not working?
The download link is not yet activated. Please wait until December 23rd 2013 to download this product.