Endearment Vol.1
- Family and Friends
Endearment Vol. 2
- Lover
This pack features interactive Persona motions between family members and friends. Precise interaction and positioning are achieved through AML Commands.


• 40 Motions
20 AML iProps for synced motion control
• Bonus: 4 G3 texture (made by Featured Developer: Alley)
List Price: $99.95
This pack features interactive Persona motions between intimate partners. Precise interaction and positioning are achieved through AML Commands.


• 47 Motions
• 23 AML iProps for synced motion control
• Bonus: 4 G3 texture (made by Feature Developer: Alley)
List Price: $99.95

Endearment Vol.1+Vol.2

List total: $199.90
Best Deal: $159.95
For iClone 4.12 or above
•The Bonus: G3 Texture Packs
Required Base Models: 
G3 CloneCloth For Essential Man Vol. 1
G3 CloneCloth For Essential Woman Vol. 1

Other than the complete Endearment motion collection, you have the follow options for the perfection of your movie

+Faces and Emotions
The Endearment motion collection plus dynamic facial expressions and elegant female & male faces for you to create elegant, real life actors in your projects and videos.

This combo includes:
• Endearment Vol.1 + Vol.2 Collection
• 8 Character Textures
• 10 Male Heads
• 10 Female Heads
• 43 selected facial expression clips and 5 scripts

List total: $269.8

Best Deal: $199.95
For iClone 4.12 or above

+Film Set and Props
The Endearment motion collection plus the Filmset & Props collection, introduce delicate movie scenes with a perfect stage for you to complete your story with absolute realism.

This combo includes:
• Endearment Vol.1 + Vol.2 Collection
• 8 Character Textures
• 188 Props  
• 9 3D Scenes

List total: $389.45

Best Deal: $249.95
For iClone 4.12 or above

This combo includes:
• Endearment Vol.1 + Vol.2 Collection
• 8 Character Textures
• 14 Design Bases
• 28 Fashion Textures
• 36 shoes Templates
• 4 Lace Patterns
• 50 Wrinkle Materials
• 2 sets of sleeves
List total: $449.8
Best Deal: $299.95

Variety Character Texture Collection
Skillfully imitated as to be indistinguishable role for your movie
Modern Life
This combo includes:
26 Cloth Sets, 40 Materials,5 Heads,2 Props

For iClone3.2 +
List total: $26
Best Deal:$19.95
City Life
This combo includes:
12 Cloth Sets, 42 Materials

For iClone3.2 +
List total: $30
Best Deal:$23.95
Classic Historic Role
This combo includes:
20 Cloth Sets, 36 Materials, 49 Accessories, 4 Heads, 2 Props , 10 Textures
For iClone3.2 +
List total: $35
Best Deal:$29.95
Male Persona
Behavior Vol.1
iClone 3.2 or above
by Reallusion
Female Persona Behavior Vol.1
iClone 3.2 or above
by Reallusion
Longform Motion Files
iClone 2.5 or above
by Motion Capture NYC
Wedding Planner-
Deluxe Pack
iClone 2.5 or above
by Reallusion

Love Presents
iClone 3.2 or above
by Ciel
Quality Life Series-Phonograph
iClone 3.2 or above
by Ciel