How to make you characters more lifelike while talking?
Step1. Load a character into the scene
Step2. Apply a motion
Step3. Apply a facial expression
Step4. Edit animation for the lips
  You can use other means to generate lip animations besides editing the lips in the Timeline.
A. Import Wave/MP3 Files
Import a .wav file and the program will generate the animation of mouth opening and closing based on the file.
B. Text to Speech
Input the words that you want your characters to say, and the program will generate the animation of mouth opening and closing..
C. Sound Recorder
If you have a microphone, you can record your voice for the character, and the program will sync the character's lips after the recording is complete.
D. Import Talking Scripts
If you have pre-made CTS files, you can import them directly.
For more details, please read
Step5. Hit play
  Look !! Doesn’t your character look a lot more lifelike ?
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